Moozamir Noorbaccus is 17 years old. He is a quadriplegic and needs to travel to India for medical care. Except that his family does not have the means.
Farida Maudhub is currently moving heaven and earth to raise the necessary funds for her son Moozamir: “My son is 17 years old. He has had surgery in the past to straighten his arms, which have been curled up. He now has to return to India to remove the screws in his shoulders. Except that we only need the sum of Rs 160, 000 for him to make the trip. This will be for him, certainly the best birthday present, as he will celebrate his 18th birthday on November 28,” explains Farida, the young man’s mother.
Those who want to help Moozamir financially can do so by bank transfer to the following account number: 000 232 932 581. Farida can be reached on: 59 08 23 40.