Ludovic Legentil, 37 years old, was arrested at his home in Petite Pointe aux Piments on Tuesday, November 2 on a charge of drug trafficking. His arrest was made by a team from the Anti-Drug and Smuggling Unit (ADSU) who suspected him of being involved in drug trafficking. He was found in possession of 7.68 grams of heroin and a sum of Rs 1375, which is suspected to be from the sale of this drug.
It is on the basis of certain information and after hours of surveillance that this team of the ADSU landed at the residence of Ludovic Legentil in Petite Pointe aux Piments at around 7:30 am this Wednesday, November 2. This exercise allowed them to find a piece of black adhesive tape wrapped around a piece of plastic containing a quantity of heroin, 7.68 grams. These men of the ADSU also seized Rs 1375 in different denominations. This money is suspected to be the proceeds of this drug sale.
Ludovic Legentil was taken to the ADSU office in Grand Bay for questioning before being placed in a cell at the Alcatraz detention center at the Central Barracks on the orders of the Assistant Superintendent of Police, Salim Hossenee. On Wednesday, November 2, he was brought before the Bail and Remand Court in Port Louis. He is facing a provisional charge of drug trafficking. This Thursday, November 3, he will be brought before the court in Pamplemousses again.
In addition, in the afternoon of Tuesday, November 01, 142 cannabis plants were uprooted in a forest in Dubreuil. This operation was done by the men of Inspector Motee of the ADSU of the Eastern Division with the logistical support of the police helicopter. These plants measure 10 centimeters to 1 meter 50 and are estimated at Rs 426 000.
An investigation has been opened in order to trace the alleged grower of these plants.