A decrease of 3,811 inhabitants, or -0.30% recorded for the July 2022 count. The latest report from Statistics Mauritius shows a decrease in the population of the Republic of Mauritius.
Compared to mid 2021, the figures are declining. This study shows 1,217,588 inhabitants for Mauritius, 44,661 for Rodrigues and 274 for Agaléga and Saint Brandon. The estimate for Mauritius is 652 persons per square kilometre. The total for the Republic of Mauritius is thus 1,262,523 inhabitants and this includes 623,961 males and 638,562 females. The male population is lower than the female population by 14,601, giving an average of 97.7 males per 100 females. The rate of marriages, however, has increased, especially with the lifting of the Covid 19 restrictions. Statistics Mauritius reports 10 370 marriages, or a rate of 16.4 per 1 000 population as compared to 12.9 in 2021.
According to the findings, the birth rate is expected to fall in 2022. Statistics Mauritius forecasts 11 940 births, which represents a crude rate of 9.5 per 1 000 population. In mid-2021, the rate was 10.3 per 1000 population.
The death rate shows a slight increase to 13 480 deaths, representing 10.7 per 1000 population in 2022 as compared to 10.5 per 1000 population in 2021. The infant mortality rate is lower than 2021, which was 13.8 per 1000 births. In 2022, the rate is 12.6 per 1,000 births, which is 150 fewer this year.