The barrister appeared before the Bambous District Court on Monday. His lawyer, Rama Valayden, asked Inspector Ramlugun if his request for Akil Bissessur to be DNA and fingerprinted was granted. The investigator replied that samples were taken this morning.
As a reminder, these tests are to check whether Akil Bissessur’s fingerprints and DNA were found on the drug residue seized from his girlfriend’s home in Palma.
Magistrate Vidya Mungroo-Jugurnath said the police had until Monday 5 September to produce the results in court.
Meanwhile, Akil Bissussur remains in custody.
Doomila Moheeputh will be back in court on 7 September.
It is to be noted that after the search of the home of Doomila Moheeputh, the lawyer’s companion, on Friday 19 August, the Special Striking Team searched Akil Bissessur’s flat. According to Rama Valayden, the police found nothing the first time.
On Saturday, Rama Valayden explained that yesterday, officers from the Central CID searched Akil Bissessur’s flat again. The exercise reportedly lasted more than two hours. According to Rama Valayden, they did not find anything illegal again.