Judge Carole Green Jokhoo has sentenced Avikesh Chuttooree to ten years and six years of penal servitude. Avikesh Chuttooree has pleaded guilty to a charge of murdering his stepmother and a second offence of fatal bodily harm inflicted on his two-year-old stepsister with no intention of killing her. This tragedy took place on June 25, 2012, when Avikesh Chuttooree was 16 years old. The latter, who did not get along with his stepmother, got into an argument with the latter and the two came to blows. In the struggle, they fell on a bed where the little girl was sleeping. After strangling the mother, he attacked the crying little girl. In her judgement, Judge Carole Greene took into consideration the fact that Avikesh was only 16 years old when the crimes were committed, had a clean criminal record, and had waited nine years before being tried.
Avikesh, who was 16 at the time of the incident, is now 25, a young man. He had been at the center of controversy after being recruited as a prison guard while his trial was pending.
The young man was represented by Me Bala Mukan while the prosecution was led by Me Sacheen Yashnik Boodhoo, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). Eight witnesses were called to testify during the session.