For her first book, Dr. Ouma Seebaluck chose to talk about Bollywood and its global impact. Bollywood And Its Global Impact was launched by Balwant Thakur – the director of the Indira Gandhi Center for Indian Culture. It was on January 29 at the Mauritius Gymkhana Club in Vacoas.
A foray into the Indian film industry – Bollywood. This is what Dr. Ouma Seebaluck invites us to discover in his first book: “The book talks about the popularity of Bollywood in many countries around the world, including China, Russia, Morocco, Egypt among others. Most importantly, it explains that there is more to this industry than just songs and choreography. He also demonstrates how Bollywood has been able to safeguard culture and values both in India and abroad.”
The author was inspired by her doctoral dissertation: “The dissertation was entitled The Role Of Bollywood In Promoting India’s Cultural Diplomacy. I worked on it for four years and then took a year to synthesize it into the book.”
As a reminder, the book is already on sale on Kindle Book and Amazon. It will soon be available in bookstores across the country.