The Children’s Act 2020, the Child Sex Offender Register Act 2020 and the Children’s Court Act 2020, are operational as from today and this marks a major milestone in the development and protection of the rights of children, stated the Minister of Gender Equality and Family Welfare, Mrs Kalpana Devi Koonjoo-Shah, this morning in an exclusive interview to the Government Information Service.
Minister Koonjoo-Shah expressed satisfaction as regards the enactment of the three legislations to better protect the rights of children and reinforce sanctions against child perpetrators. The main objective, she said, is to repeal the Child Protection Act and replace it with a more comprehensive and modern legislative framework to address the shortcomings of the existing Child Protection Act.
This initiative, she indicated, is in line with many international conventions to which Mauritius is signatory and are guided in the best interests of children.
She further elaborated on the provisions of the Acts which comprise; the prohibition of marriage of children under the age of 18; a child under the age of 14 not to be held criminally responsible for any act or omission; and the setting up of structures, services and means to cater to the overall well-being of children.
Minister Koonjoo-Shah spoke of the Children’s Court which she said is also operational as from today. The Court, she added, is dedicated to children and will ease legal procedures as well as monitor the physical, psychological, emotional and social development of children.