The dice are cast within the OPR. The list of candidates for the next regional elections is official and final. We will have to wait a few more days to know the list of candidates at the proportional level, as well as the name of the next Chief Commissioner, in case of a victory of the OPR on February 13.
During this large meeting with the press, Serge Clair explained the reason why he is stepping aside, but remains at the disposal of the party, ‘being committed to the death for his people’, as he says so well. He took the opportunity to give a history of the creation of his party 45 years ago, as well as his objective of valorizing the people of Rodrigues, by putting forward the capacity and the know-how of this people.
However, everything suggests that the next Chief Commissioner of the OPR will be Jean Francisco François. If this is true, he will have to resign from the National Assembly to run for the next elections in Rodrigues. This is still hypothetical for the moment, but a wish of a good part of the OPR electorate.
In the meantime, the pressing business of the party will be managed by Jean Francisco François and Joseph Buisson Léopold, the two deputies of the OPR sitting in the National Assembly, under the leadership of Serge Clair.
Here is the list of candidates by region of the ‘Rodrigues People’s Organization’ (OPR) who will run for the direct regional elections on February 13.
Region 1:
- Gaétan Jabeemissar
- Marie Pricie Angela Spéville
Region 2:
- Marie Roxana Collet
- Jean Noël Nemours
Region 3:
- Rose Marie Franchette Gaspard Pierre Louis
- Jean Rex Ramdally
Region 4:
- Nicolson Lisette
- Karine Roussety
Region 5:
- Jean Richard Payendee
- Jean Noël Samoisy
Region 6:
- Henri Agathe
- Louis Daniel Baptiste