Ram Madhvani helmed Aarya season 2 will be released soon. When the first season came out, the Sushmita Sen starrer action drama opened to great reviews and it keeps in pace with the brilliant and roaring teaser of season 2 which was recently unveiled. Returning in the titular role and now, Sushmita Sen has opened up on the impact that Aarya has had on her life.” Prior to Aarya, I feel I was kind of an actress on the personal front. Also, I faced quite a lot of challenges and a challenging five years period at the end of it. I felt like the Universe had to reward me because I have worked so hard to get there. And I can call Aarya that reward », shared Sushmita Sen. The latter adds that Arya came at the right time and not just on a professional level. “Playing Aarya has been a worthy experience and to showcase the relationship of a mother and of a woman who can hold the family together successfully even if the family belongs to the underworld and Drug Mafia, you glue it all together. I think Aarya changed my life on many levels “, she further added. Describing these lovely series as exciting, Sushmita Sen states that for her, it was an all-around experience which for sure, has changed her life for the better. Recently the Aarya 2 teaser was revealed by the makers and the audiences got a closer look at Sushmita’s fierce persona. In the brief glimpse, the actress can be seen giving a ferocious look as she walked through the colours in the air. This with her gaze stuck at an infinite point.