The Festival des Vocations will be held this Sunday, July 16 at Le Thabor – Beau Bassin from 9:30 am to 4 pm. Cardinal Maurice Piat will also take the opportunity to celebrate 32 years as bishop. A mass will be held at 2:00 pm. It will be televised.
Hénry Rotile
The 41ᵉ edition of the Festival des Vocations coincides this year, with thanksgiving for Cardinal Maurice E. Piat’s 32 years as bishop. In a message posted on social networks, the latter invites young people to come and become aware of the beauty of serving: “Friendly service brings much joy, the joy of Christ himself. I therefore invite young people to come and discover the different ways of serving.”
Note that 4 seminarians, including one in a propaedeutic year, are heading for France. They will be discerning their vocation to the priesthood in our diocese. The four Mauritians, who attended the Foyer La Source in the diocese of Port-Louis, will join the seminary in Orléans, France.
As a reminder, the aim of this mobilization for vocations is to raise funds for the seminarians’ studies.