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2nd Stillborn Child For Nakeed Couple: Alleged Negligence

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Two times too much! A tragedy leaving Stephanie and Didier in pain, revolted and in such a turmoil. They are faced with the same situation by trusting the same gynaecologist of SSR Hospital in Pamplemousses. This couple residing Khoyratty, Terre Rouge, lost their first baby in 2019 and their second baby on June 21, 2021. The more intriguing fact is that she was initially scheduled for a caesarean on June 14! The stillborn son of the Nakeed couple was buried this afternoon of this June 23, at the cemetery of Bois Marchand, the same place of burial of their first still born.

 Unexplained postpone

“A negligence” claims Stephanie, the 36-year-old mother. “It is the second time that I am living such a situation with the same gynaecologist. The doctor postponed my caesarean for a reason I do not yet understand. I was nearly at my 38th week and I demanded a caesarean since I felt something was wrong,” she says.

In fact, it was already advised by the gynaecologist as provided by her medical file that she should not undergo a normal delivery. It would be a caesarean surgery and scheduled for the 14th June. But it was postponed for the 21st June even though the couple attests that it was with no further explanation.

 Nakeed Couple

“Our baby was already dead about two days back”

Two weeks back, she had a hard time, and went to the hospital in pain, she could neither sit nor rest. She was suffocating and wanted to be admitted for observation. But she was sent back home. Now, we learn that our unborn baby was already swallowing water from the womb and defecating inside and thus died of suffocation. No heartbeat was detected on the last echography. From what I understood, our baby was already dead about two days back ” reveals Didier regretting that the caesarean was not performed on the 14th June. The echography performed on that date revealed heartbeats and movement of the baby boy. He would have still been alive, and his parents would have been overjoyed to welcome their newborn, a little brother for their 12 years old kid.

A second tragedy leading to Legal actions.

In addition, he points out that at Hospital, du SSRN, he learned that there have been so many stillborn cases suspected to be out of medical negligence since past years and thus, Didier has filed a complaint for negligence against the gynaecologist at the Police Station of SSR Hospital on Tuesday. A representative of the Ministry of Health confirmed that an investigation would be initiated. Didier Nakeed nevertheless attests that he did not have the financial means to go forward back in 2019 but following this second same tragedy, he is all set to take further steps against what happen. “I am ready to take legal actions and the help of a lawyer. I demand the Ministry of Health to enquire on this matter and all stillborn cases at SSR Hospital” voices out the affected father. Lawyer Anoop Goodary is representing Didier Nakeed for further legal proceedings.


Moving moment at Bois Marchand Cemetry

The stillborn baby boy burial processions took place at around 1 p.m. this Wednesday. His father buried him in presence of some members of the family and lawyer Anoup Goodary. The mother, Stephanie Nakeed, is still under observation at the SSR Hospital in Pamplemousses. She assisted to this sad and moving moment via a Facebook live streaming. Le Matinal extends his heartfelt condolences to the Nakeed family and promises to closely follow up on this case.

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