Gross direct investment flows in Mauritius have been estimated at Rs23,100 million for the first three quarters of 2023 compared to Rs18,231 million for the corresponding period in 2022 (Table 1a). The ‘Real estate activities’ sector was the major recipient of gross direct Investment inflows, which was mostly received under IRS/RES/IHS/PDS/SCS1, followed by the ‘Accommodation and food service activities’ sector. Gross direct investments in Mauritius were mainly sourced from France and South Africa (Table 1).
Gross direct investment flows abroad for the first three quarters of 2023 have been estimated at Rs793 million compared to Rs2,569 million for the corresponding period in 2022. These direct investment outflows were mainly directed to the ‘Real estate activities’ and ‘Manufacturing’ sectors (Table 2 ). The main investment destination were the United Arab Emirates followed by South Africa and France.