Read about the latest news from all over the world as it happens over here. Get to know about latest political, diplomatic, social and economic news.
Peru’s First Female President Dina Boluarte Sworn In; Predecessor Castillo Arrested
Germany Thwart Coup Attempt By Far-Right Group To “Overthrow State”
Indonesian Police Station Attacked By Suicide Bomber Who Leaves Note Condemning New Criminal Code
South Africa: ANC To Vote Against Impeachment Of President Cyril Ramaphosa
Indonesia To Criminalize Sex Outside Marriage With Prison Term
Iran To Dissolve Morality Police As Protests Continue, Says Attorney General
Uganda releases Last Confirmed Ebola patient, Informs Health Ministry
US Air Force Unveils Latest B-21 Stealth Bomber, Undetected By Enemies
South Africa: Cyril Ramaphosa Under Threat Of Impeachment
Senegal Opposition MP Smacks Woman MP, Starts Tussle In Parliament
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