A theft of cables in a transformer cabin of the Central Electricity Board (CEB) at Route Providence, Poste de Flacq turned into a tragedy in the early hours of Monday morning, January 24. Two young people from this locality, who broke in to steal cables, were seriously burned. Louis Ricardo Mimi, 27 years old and Videsh Sewnarain, 22 years old, were admitted to the intensive care unit of the Burns’ Unit of the Victoria Hospital, Candos.
On Tuesday, January 25, shortly before 10 a.m., Sergeant Jyosury of the Flacq Police Station went to the Dr. Bruno Cheong Hospital in Flacq after learning that two youths were taken there with severe burns. On the spot, he was to learn that these two patients, who were burned somewhere in Flacq Post, did indeed come, but after receiving treatment, they were transferred to the Burns’ Unit of Candos Hospital. As they were in agony, they could not give statements.
On the afternoon of Monday, January 24, a 56-year-old CEB senior technical officer reported an attempted robbery at a CEB carrier cabin at Poste de Flacq. The man said he went to the location for a check at about 10 a.m. the same day. He said he found that the door of this cabin was broken. An inventory carried out on the spot made it possible to discover that a circuit breaker and several cables were burned. This, he concluded, after an attempted theft.